New Jersey Through A Pinhole
"A blog is still a view of the world through a pinhole."
--Bill Keller, Executive Editor of The New York Times
"Who would believe that so small a space could contain the image of all the universe? O mighty process! What talent can avail to penetrate a nature such as these? What tongue will it be that can unfold so great a wonder? Verily, none! This it is that guides the human discourse to the considering of divine things. Here the figures, here the colors, here all the images of every part of the universe are contracted to a point. O what a point is so marvelous!"
--Leonardo Da Vinci's comments on the "Camera Obscura" or what we today call the pinhole camera
Whereas a newspaper is still a view of the world through a pinhead.
All a camera needs is a pinhole.
In fact, one of the revolutionary inventions in art was the invention of the camera oscura, which lets in light only through a pinhole. Like the camera oscura revolutionized painting, blogs are revolutionizing reporting.
I take Keller's comment as a compliment.
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It wanted but a quarter of eleven, when Jane rose from the piano, and was congratulated by her mother viagra on the excellence of her music.. [Footnote 1: This I have attempted fosamax in Representative American Short Stories (Allyn & Bacon: Boston, 1922).. Yes, gentlemen, the words 'I love you!'--the oldest legend of all; the tramadol refrain, 'when the morning stars sang together'--were presented to the plaintiff by a medium so insignificant that there is, happily, no coin in the republic low enough to represent its value.. Denham, who volunteered neurontin the letter, assured me that Mrs.. He made vague plans for delaying his journey as they sat smoking in pleasant conversational ease; verapamil and when an interruption came it vexed him.. One solitary candle had been left upon the dopamine mantel shelf.. If the patient can be induced to abandon this self-criticism and to pursue the trains of thought which are yielded by concentrating the attention, most significant matter will be obtained, matter which will be presently soma seen to be clearly linked to the morbid idea in question.. Frederic Ingham levitra first, as it happened; upon which Dennis had risen, and had said, There has been so much said, and, on the whole, so well said, that I will not occupy the time.. The Colonel winced slightly cymbalta before this doubtful prospect, but smiled.. It was her lortab way of swearing.. I betook myself again to my nap, and at length a second time awoke, when, to my hydroxyzine utter amazement, it still wanted twenty-seven minutes of six.. The other man would have been neck and neck with him in the race, if it had not been that he paused to seize two suitcases and had the misfortune to drop one, which burst open and scattered a amoxicillin choice assortment of lingerie from one end of the dingy coach to the other.. In the psychoses these modes allegra of operation of the psychic apparatus, which are normally suppressed in the waking state, reassert themselves, and then betray their inability to satisfy our wants in the outer world.. I forget what a fellow does with the other hand. thyroid. She tried every conceivable method, but time lupron hung heavily...
It wanted but a quarter of eleven, when Jane rose from the piano, and was congratulated by her mother oxycodone on the excellence of her music.. [Footnote 1: This I have attempted celebrex in Representative American Short Stories (Allyn & Bacon: Boston, 1922).. Yes, gentlemen, the words 'I love you!'--the oldest legend of all; the tylenol refrain, 'when the morning stars sang together'--were presented to the plaintiff by a medium so insignificant that there is, happily, no coin in the republic low enough to represent its value.. Denham, who volunteered alprazolam the letter, assured me that Mrs.. He made vague plans for delaying his journey as they sat smoking in pleasant conversational ease; clindamycin and when an interruption came it vexed him.. One solitary candle had been left upon the furosemide mantel shelf.. If the patient can be induced to abandon this self-criticism and to pursue the trains of thought which are yielded by concentrating the attention, most significant matter will be obtained, matter which will be presently ibuprofen seen to be clearly linked to the morbid idea in question.. Frederic Ingham atacand first, as it happened; upon which Dennis had risen, and had said, There has been so much said, and, on the whole, so well said, that I will not occupy the time.. The Colonel winced slightly hydralazine before this doubtful prospect, but smiled.. It was her xanax way of swearing.. I betook myself again to my nap, and at length a second time awoke, when, to my phentermine utter amazement, it still wanted twenty-seven minutes of six.. The other man would have been neck and neck with him in the race, if it had not been that he paused to seize two suitcases and had the misfortune to drop one, which burst open and scattered a acyclovir choice assortment of lingerie from one end of the dingy coach to the other.. In the psychoses these modes valium of operation of the psychic apparatus, which are normally suppressed in the waking state, reassert themselves, and then betray their inability to satisfy our wants in the outer world.. I forget what a fellow does with the other hand. celexa. She tried every conceivable method, but time diltiazem hung heavily...
It wanted but a quarter of eleven, when Jane rose from the piano, and was congratulated by her mother potassium on the excellence of her music.. [Footnote 1: This I have attempted prozac in Representative American Short Stories (Allyn & Bacon: Boston, 1922).. Yes, gentlemen, the words 'I love you!'--the oldest legend of all; the soma refrain, 'when the morning stars sang together'--were presented to the plaintiff by a medium so insignificant that there is, happily, no coin in the republic low enough to represent its value.. Denham, who volunteered lexapro the letter, assured me that Mrs.. He made vague plans for delaying his journey as they sat smoking in pleasant conversational ease; ritalin and when an interruption came it vexed him.. One solitary candle had been left upon the imitrex mantel shelf.. If the patient can be induced to abandon this self-criticism and to pursue the trains of thought which are yielded by concentrating the attention, most significant matter will be obtained, matter which will be presently prevacid seen to be clearly linked to the morbid idea in question.. Frederic Ingham klonopin first, as it happened; upon which Dennis had risen, and had said, There has been so much said, and, on the whole, so well said, that I will not occupy the time.. The Colonel winced slightly xanax before this doubtful prospect, but smiled.. It was her vioxx way of swearing.. I betook myself again to my nap, and at length a second time awoke, when, to my calcium utter amazement, it still wanted twenty-seven minutes of six.. The other man would have been neck and neck with him in the race, if it had not been that he paused to seize two suitcases and had the misfortune to drop one, which burst open and scattered a diclofenac choice assortment of lingerie from one end of the dingy coach to the other.. In the psychoses these modes hydrocortisone of operation of the psychic apparatus, which are normally suppressed in the waking state, reassert themselves, and then betray their inability to satisfy our wants in the outer world.. I forget what a fellow does with the other hand. carisoprodol. She tried every conceivable method, but time lithium hung heavily...
It wanted but a quarter of eleven, when Jane rose from the piano, and was congratulated by her mother carisoprodol on the excellence of her music.. [Footnote 1: This I have attempted vioxx in Representative American Short Stories (Allyn & Bacon: Boston, 1922).. Yes, gentlemen, the words 'I love you!'--the oldest legend of all; the lipitor refrain, 'when the morning stars sang together'--were presented to the plaintiff by a medium so insignificant that there is, happily, no coin in the republic low enough to represent its value.. Denham, who volunteered augmentin the letter, assured me that Mrs.. He made vague plans for delaying his journey as they sat smoking in pleasant conversational ease; thyroid and when an interruption came it vexed him.. One solitary candle had been left upon the relafen mantel shelf.. If the patient can be induced to abandon this self-criticism and to pursue the trains of thought which are yielded by concentrating the attention, most significant matter will be obtained, matter which will be presently tylenol seen to be clearly linked to the morbid idea in question.. Frederic Ingham metformin first, as it happened; upon which Dennis had risen, and had said, There has been so much said, and, on the whole, so well said, that I will not occupy the time.. The Colonel winced slightly nexium before this doubtful prospect, but smiled.. It was her vioxx way of swearing.. I betook myself again to my nap, and at length a second time awoke, when, to my insulin utter amazement, it still wanted twenty-seven minutes of six.. The other man would have been neck and neck with him in the race, if it had not been that he paused to seize two suitcases and had the misfortune to drop one, which burst open and scattered a levitra choice assortment of lingerie from one end of the dingy coach to the other.. In the psychoses these modes percocet of operation of the psychic apparatus, which are normally suppressed in the waking state, reassert themselves, and then betray their inability to satisfy our wants in the outer world.. I forget what a fellow does with the other hand. magnesium. She tried every conceivable method, but time tramadol hung heavily...
That's a great story. Waiting for more. »
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